Monday 9 April 2012

Joseph's Baptism - Time to Party!

Joseph's Baptism (click this title to watch the video)

What a busy week we've had! No blogging I'm afraid... we've been swamped - in a good way with lots on our Easter holiday plates! Tony and Joseph have been out of school and into Hope Invasion - a mission in York See: hopeinvasion. We've had visitors too and been for a great days out. This weekend was super busy as we had people flocking to York from all corners of the UK to join in the celebrations of our son Joseph's baptism that took place on Saturday on the steps of York minster. Arch bishop John Sentamu and our good friend Rev'd Daniel Roe led the proceedings watched and cheered on by a maddening crowd. See: York baptisms

Celebrations erupted afterwards when friends and family joined together to have a raucous knees up. Meanwhile Daniel went into action once again and rescued Sally the runaway border collie from a nearby pond!!!

Share in our celebrations by clicking onto the title above: Joseph's Baptism to watch a video of our day: A New Creation celebration.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Attention All!

'Attention all. See the marvels of God! He plants flowers and trees all over the Earth... ..."Step out of the traffic, take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything.' Psalm 46 verses 11-12

I love this abridged version (The Message). It helps me to see the relevance of this passage to our modern day lives. So often we find it so difficult to prioritise our busy days to find time for ourselves never mind to completely zone out to gaze on God. I noticed for the first time today the words at the beginning of verse 11 and realise how they can help us to focus us on God. 'See the marvels of God! He plants flowers and trees all over the Earth'. I know that when I take notice of the things around me in nature it causes an expression of awe and thankfulness and it brings peace flooding into my weary soul. As I wandered around our village this morning I decided to take good notice of the signs of Spring all around and as I did my spirits began to soar.

It's so worth while stepping out of the traffic and taking a good look at our High God. Maybe you don't have the chance to get out today, maybe you do but either way I leave you with snapshots of a few pieces of the Father's handiwork that have blessed me so much today. Don't just glance at them, step out of the traffic for a few minutes and take a long, loving look at a reflection of the God who, I believe made you too: the apple of His eye and the jewel in His crown. 

What is your response to that?


Tuesday 27 March 2012

Its in the Small Things... and the Big Things!!

I'm aware that a blog like this could veer towards toe curlingly cringey and sickly sweet. From the outset I want to declare it an aim to avoid that! Sometimes its just plain unavoidable and today's blog proves this point. Read no further if that's a problem. Hope to catch up another time
You see I've had an absolutely amazing day from start to finish. It all started in my pretty princess pink (dont ask) kitchen. From the moment I donned my new Cash Kidston apron I knew it was going to be good! I proceeded to bake 70 Gingerbread biscuits (again, don't ask - but imagine the aroma). Next a stroll in a sunlit orchard to the local shop with husband & dog followed by a lunch date in York with 2 amazing friends and one adorable baby boy. To top it off the cafe we chose is all about chocolate! York is home to as was Rowntrees chocolate factory so its an ideal place for a chocolate themed cafe! Even the savoury dishes contain cocoa or dark chocolate! Maybe not to everyone's taste but my lunch was divine. 
You can check the place out by following the link. 

What's more... its been gloriously warm and sunny.
A perfect day. 

On returning back through the streets of York I looked up and there it was, in all its splendour, shining in the noon day sun, reminding all who pass it of the Christian heritage of our land. wow! I live in one of the most beautiful cities in the UK. This is the sight that greeted me... York Minster. 

Right now I'm Sitting in a deck chair in my back garden with a dog who keeps plopping a ball on my lap. It can't get better than this!

What do I make of it all? What's the point of this post?
It strikes me that there's been nothing extraordinary about my day, nothing for me to boast about or take pride in. It's been very simple really. It's just ordinary stuff that's unfolded very naturally and I didn't even have to try. Maybe there's a lesson we could all learn here. Or maybe its all just a little too twee? I'll leave you to decide while I go on sunbathing and enjoying the moment.

Monday 26 March 2012

Angel Feathers

One from the box!
I've experienced a very strange and unexpected thing over the last few months... Let me tell you all about it. Back in November I suddenly had a heart attack. A shock for anyone but as I have been pretty healthy up until then and as I'm a mere 45 years old it completely caught me by surprise! (not quite the right term!) Thankfully I have an amazingly loving and supportive network of family and friends who have been there for me in so many ways. I can't begin to fill you in on that but just let's say it's meant so very much to me! I have got time to share one encouragement with you though. Here goes...

I have a cousin who heard about my condition when I was really ill who decided to send me a message of well wishes and who wanted to let me know of his prayers for my restoration to health. I found this a very kind and touching gesture but it also brought a wry smile to my face. Here's why:

He told me that he had prayed that one of God's very special angels might remind me of God's help and care for me by sending a sign of a white feather. He informed me that others he had prayed this for often found more than one white feather within the day of his prayer! Now I do believe in the power of prayer but this... Sorry cous...well frankly seemed a little... out of my normal range of expectations, let's just say! I forgot all about it til I sat down for our evening meal and looked over at my husband who was ready to tuck into his grub. Stuck just over his heart on his pullover was a white feather! Call me a nutter but I've been finding them all over ever since.

In January we moved house to a village that it seems is literally covered in white feathers! Every time I go for a dog walk they line my path. Its as if God's angels daily open a box of the things and let them pour down! I glanced out the kitchen window one day and thought it was beginning to snow... Oh no, just another white feather floating down from heaven! On Friday evening we had a very special friend around with his friend. As he leaned forward on the sofa I spied something sprouting from his back... You guessed it! Always had my suspicions about that one! What does the Bible say about entertaining angels unawares??

Yesterday as I ambled on our daily dog walk armed with my mobile camera and working my way through a sunlit feather strewn field it struck me that I could collect a little evidence and include it in my blog. Here's the result:

Angel feathers!
Now I know it could all be a coincidence but every time I see a white feather I am reminded of God's great love for us and how He cares for us all as individuals... And how His word promises He can do more than we ask or imagine!

 One request: If you see a white feather sometime soon know I prayed about that and open yourself up to the possibility of a loving Heavenly Father reaching down to bless you and remind you of His love for you. Oh yes, and do feel free to get in touch and let me know!

A word of thanks: Andrew... Bless you - you are a star! He heard you! Keep looking up!!

Saturday 24 March 2012

The Wonder of the Web

Everyone knows what its like to have to work against body and mind to face the day head on and get on out. How much more of a wrench when every other member of the household is still sending out the zs with heads firmly stuck to fluffy pillows!

I shouldn't complain, after all I am currently at home every day with very few demanding commitments. That's why I have decided I should make the effort once a week to attend our church prayer meeting. If Christians really believe in what we preach then maybe its important to get together and talk things over with our Heavenly Dad!

Anyway, out I got and although the morning air was rather foggy I decided to get on my bike and cycle to church. (Braver than it sounds - I haven't ridden a bike for over 6 months and I've been quite ill since then).

I didn't expect a wow moment to hit me between the eyes as I headed on out the drive but there it was and I decided to pause, ponder, allow myself to be drenched in that wonderful sense of awe and wonder... and take a photo to share that very moment with you. What did I see? Take a look for yourself... a beautiful, delicate yet oh so strong, intimately designed work of art. 

Created or made? Ponder that. 

Spider spider spin me a web