Monday 9 April 2012

Joseph's Baptism - Time to Party!

Joseph's Baptism (click this title to watch the video)

What a busy week we've had! No blogging I'm afraid... we've been swamped - in a good way with lots on our Easter holiday plates! Tony and Joseph have been out of school and into Hope Invasion - a mission in York See: hopeinvasion. We've had visitors too and been for a great days out. This weekend was super busy as we had people flocking to York from all corners of the UK to join in the celebrations of our son Joseph's baptism that took place on Saturday on the steps of York minster. Arch bishop John Sentamu and our good friend Rev'd Daniel Roe led the proceedings watched and cheered on by a maddening crowd. See: York baptisms

Celebrations erupted afterwards when friends and family joined together to have a raucous knees up. Meanwhile Daniel went into action once again and rescued Sally the runaway border collie from a nearby pond!!!

Share in our celebrations by clicking onto the title above: Joseph's Baptism to watch a video of our day: A New Creation celebration.

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