Wednesday 28 March 2012

Attention All!

'Attention all. See the marvels of God! He plants flowers and trees all over the Earth... ..."Step out of the traffic, take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything.' Psalm 46 verses 11-12

I love this abridged version (The Message). It helps me to see the relevance of this passage to our modern day lives. So often we find it so difficult to prioritise our busy days to find time for ourselves never mind to completely zone out to gaze on God. I noticed for the first time today the words at the beginning of verse 11 and realise how they can help us to focus us on God. 'See the marvels of God! He plants flowers and trees all over the Earth'. I know that when I take notice of the things around me in nature it causes an expression of awe and thankfulness and it brings peace flooding into my weary soul. As I wandered around our village this morning I decided to take good notice of the signs of Spring all around and as I did my spirits began to soar.

It's so worth while stepping out of the traffic and taking a good look at our High God. Maybe you don't have the chance to get out today, maybe you do but either way I leave you with snapshots of a few pieces of the Father's handiwork that have blessed me so much today. Don't just glance at them, step out of the traffic for a few minutes and take a long, loving look at a reflection of the God who, I believe made you too: the apple of His eye and the jewel in His crown. 

What is your response to that?


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