Monday 26 March 2012

Angel Feathers

One from the box!
I've experienced a very strange and unexpected thing over the last few months... Let me tell you all about it. Back in November I suddenly had a heart attack. A shock for anyone but as I have been pretty healthy up until then and as I'm a mere 45 years old it completely caught me by surprise! (not quite the right term!) Thankfully I have an amazingly loving and supportive network of family and friends who have been there for me in so many ways. I can't begin to fill you in on that but just let's say it's meant so very much to me! I have got time to share one encouragement with you though. Here goes...

I have a cousin who heard about my condition when I was really ill who decided to send me a message of well wishes and who wanted to let me know of his prayers for my restoration to health. I found this a very kind and touching gesture but it also brought a wry smile to my face. Here's why:

He told me that he had prayed that one of God's very special angels might remind me of God's help and care for me by sending a sign of a white feather. He informed me that others he had prayed this for often found more than one white feather within the day of his prayer! Now I do believe in the power of prayer but this... Sorry cous...well frankly seemed a little... out of my normal range of expectations, let's just say! I forgot all about it til I sat down for our evening meal and looked over at my husband who was ready to tuck into his grub. Stuck just over his heart on his pullover was a white feather! Call me a nutter but I've been finding them all over ever since.

In January we moved house to a village that it seems is literally covered in white feathers! Every time I go for a dog walk they line my path. Its as if God's angels daily open a box of the things and let them pour down! I glanced out the kitchen window one day and thought it was beginning to snow... Oh no, just another white feather floating down from heaven! On Friday evening we had a very special friend around with his friend. As he leaned forward on the sofa I spied something sprouting from his back... You guessed it! Always had my suspicions about that one! What does the Bible say about entertaining angels unawares??

Yesterday as I ambled on our daily dog walk armed with my mobile camera and working my way through a sunlit feather strewn field it struck me that I could collect a little evidence and include it in my blog. Here's the result:

Angel feathers!
Now I know it could all be a coincidence but every time I see a white feather I am reminded of God's great love for us and how He cares for us all as individuals... And how His word promises He can do more than we ask or imagine!

 One request: If you see a white feather sometime soon know I prayed about that and open yourself up to the possibility of a loving Heavenly Father reaching down to bless you and remind you of His love for you. Oh yes, and do feel free to get in touch and let me know!

A word of thanks: Andrew... Bless you - you are a star! He heard you! Keep looking up!!

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