Saturday 24 March 2012

The Wonder of the Web

Everyone knows what its like to have to work against body and mind to face the day head on and get on out. How much more of a wrench when every other member of the household is still sending out the zs with heads firmly stuck to fluffy pillows!

I shouldn't complain, after all I am currently at home every day with very few demanding commitments. That's why I have decided I should make the effort once a week to attend our church prayer meeting. If Christians really believe in what we preach then maybe its important to get together and talk things over with our Heavenly Dad!

Anyway, out I got and although the morning air was rather foggy I decided to get on my bike and cycle to church. (Braver than it sounds - I haven't ridden a bike for over 6 months and I've been quite ill since then).

I didn't expect a wow moment to hit me between the eyes as I headed on out the drive but there it was and I decided to pause, ponder, allow myself to be drenched in that wonderful sense of awe and wonder... and take a photo to share that very moment with you. What did I see? Take a look for yourself... a beautiful, delicate yet oh so strong, intimately designed work of art. 

Created or made? Ponder that. 

Spider spider spin me a web

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