Tuesday 27 March 2012

Its in the Small Things... and the Big Things!!

I'm aware that a blog like this could veer towards toe curlingly cringey and sickly sweet. From the outset I want to declare it an aim to avoid that! Sometimes its just plain unavoidable and today's blog proves this point. Read no further if that's a problem. Hope to catch up another time
You see I've had an absolutely amazing day from start to finish. It all started in my pretty princess pink (dont ask) kitchen. From the moment I donned my new Cash Kidston apron I knew it was going to be good! I proceeded to bake 70 Gingerbread biscuits (again, don't ask - but imagine the aroma). Next a stroll in a sunlit orchard to the local shop with husband & dog followed by a lunch date in York with 2 amazing friends and one adorable baby boy. To top it off the cafe we chose is all about chocolate! York is home to as was Rowntrees chocolate factory so its an ideal place for a chocolate themed cafe! Even the savoury dishes contain cocoa or dark chocolate! Maybe not to everyone's taste but my lunch was divine. 
You can check the place out by following the link.

What's more... its been gloriously warm and sunny.
A perfect day. 

On returning back through the streets of York I looked up and there it was, in all its splendour, shining in the noon day sun, reminding all who pass it of the Christian heritage of our land. wow! I live in one of the most beautiful cities in the UK. This is the sight that greeted me... York Minster. 

Right now I'm Sitting in a deck chair in my back garden with a dog who keeps plopping a ball on my lap. It can't get better than this!

What do I make of it all? What's the point of this post?
It strikes me that there's been nothing extraordinary about my day, nothing for me to boast about or take pride in. It's been very simple really. It's just ordinary stuff that's unfolded very naturally and I didn't even have to try. Maybe there's a lesson we could all learn here. Or maybe its all just a little too twee? I'll leave you to decide while I go on sunbathing and enjoying the moment.

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